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Advisory Council

Learn from the Masters

Our faculty of consultants, trainers, speakers, and facilitators are highly credentialed digital marketing professionals. who are individually recognized as the best in their fields of expertise. Our students learn from and collaborate with our students-turned faculty members who are really inspiring. They are passionate enough to guide our students on every day.

Our faculty of consultants, trainers, speakers, and facilitators are highly credentialed digital marketing professionals. who are individually recognized as the best in their fields of expertise. Our students learn from and collaborate with our students-turned faculty members who are really inspiring. They are passionate enough to guide our students on every day.

Advisory Council

Learn from the Masters

Our Gurus

Board Of Advisory Members​


Founder & CEO | Brandmonk

Sangeetha S Abishek

Director | SODME

Ram Kumar RS

Co-Founder | Black Sheep


Associate VP | StartupTN

Business Advisory Board​

Amith Kumar K

Co-founder | Servercake

Shameer. S

Founder – By the Startup


Founder & Ideator | Startup Payanam

Students & Corporates
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